The PUG DOG WELFARE AND RESCUE ASSOCIATION is a registered charity in the UK – number 276067. Strict rules are followed regarding the welfare, rescue and re-homing of all Pugs. No profits are made and everyone gives their time and talents freely.
PDWRA was first formed in 1973 and was known as the Pug Dog Welfare Association. In 1978 the Association became a registered charity and a separate legal entity under the sole control of the Trustees. In 2000 with the approval of the Charity Commission the name was changed to its present name.

What We Do
PDWRA operates throughout the whole of the UK and has a maximum of twelve Trustees, who are able to assist a Pug in need in any part of the country.
Should any further assistance be required, such as vetting a possible new home and help with transport, the Trustees can call upon members of Friends of Welfare, whose contribution since this group was first formed has been invaluable.
Each year we rehome and rescue many Pugs. You will find some of their stories and many photographs on the Pug Welfare and Rescue Association website and Facebook page.
In 2016, as in 2015, more than 200 Pugs were surrendered to PDWRA for re-homing. The Trustees decided in 2014 that the time had come to operate our re-homing system on a regional basis; there are now 9 regional areas. Full details and contact telephone numbers can be seen on the Surrendering Your Pug page.
The Chairman, Robin Coulter, and the Secretary, Lyn Kellow, can be contacted via the website.
We seldom have Pugs waiting for homes and therefore we do not have a kennel or rescue centre anywhere in the UK. On occasions, however, we do have Pugs in need of nursing care and temporary fostering and again the assistance of members of the Friends of Welfare is invaluable.
Please note that with the exception of any Pugs requiring nursing care or temporary fostering as mentioned above, no surrendered Pugs awaiting re-homing are kept at the homes of our Trustees or Friends of Welfare. We therefore request that you do not contact us to ask if you can come and view the available Pugs.
PDWRA co-operates and works with other organisations when possible.