

Please do not book an appointment with your vet until you receive your Visual Health Assessment form.

What to do next?

  1. All dogs to be Kennel Club Registered.
  2. All dogs to be micro chipped.- now a legal requirement.
  3. Payment of £5.00 for each Pug required.


Please complete and submit a separate application form for each pug you wish to register and make sure that you also send us the relevant payment for each Pug registered.

Full details of our payment options, including credit/debit card payment via PayPal can be found on the How To Join page.

Your details are confidential and we take your Privacy very seriously. Your information is never sold or shared.

All Visual Health Assessment forms will be numbered for each Pug registered and all information will be kept by the Pug Breed Council Health Coordinator.

If you have had your Visual Health Assessment done since March 2017 please enter the number printed on your copy in the relevant box on the application form below. Unfortunately we are unable to accept the old style health assessments (done prior to March 2017) onto the 5 Star Health Scheme.

Application Form

    Pug Sex

    Please enter the Security Code Below (required)



    Please remember that once you have submitted your application form to us you will need to send us your payment of £5.00 for each Pug you have registered.
    We have made this easy for you to do this using the form below to pay securely by debit or credit card.

    PayPal Payment Form For Pug 5 Star Health Scheme

    Please remember that you need to pay the £5 joining fee for each Pug registered. Select the amount from the drop down menu up to a maximum of 10 Pugs.

    Payment for: Pug 5 Star Health Scheme


    Validating payment information…
    Waiting for PayPal…
    Validating payment information…
    Waiting for PayPal…